Here’s the Story on Stories

taking a photo for instagram stories

Let’s dive into the world of Instagram Stories and how to use them to your advantage because, let’s be honest, humans are naturally nosy—and you can leverage that for your marketing!

Instagram Stories are a goldmine for connecting with your audience. According to Instagram, Stories allow you to share everyday moments through photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. You can share these moments with all your followers or just a select few, and even save them as highlights on your profile. But here’s the kicker: posting to your Stories isn’t just for fun—it’s proven to boost sales.

Why? Because Stories open up conversations, build your community, and strengthen that all-important “like, know, trust” factor. So what should you share? While it might be tempting to spill all your juicy secrets—like fights with your significant other, political rants, or even that crazy neighborhood drama—let’s steer clear of the overshare. Instead, focus on content that gives your followers a behind-the-scenes look at your world. Show them what you’re working on, talk about how you recently helped a client, share what you’re eating (because who doesn’t love food pics?), or rave about a book or business podcast that’s blowing your mind.

You can also keep it light and fun—ask your followers how they take their coffee, or dive into some reality TV gossip.

TIP: If you’re feeling a dip in Story views, take a quick 24-hour break, then come back strong with something that’ll make your followers stop scrolling. Don’t forget to use those Story stickers (polls, quizzes, sliders, question boxes) to ramp up engagement!

So, are you ready to give the nosy people what they want? Let us know in the comments!

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