Being a Social Media Manager has taught me so many things I never imagined possible. A hot topic that we’re only going to be seeing more of is engagement. It seems like everytime I get on social media I am seeing more and more about the “correct way to engage”. Social media experts are always finding ways to beat, understand and adapt to the current algorithm. Let’s spill the tea about how important the algorithm actually is.

But what if I told you it’s not the algorithm that’s throwing your reach, following, etc off..what if I told you, it’s you. I say this all the time and truly live by it… you must show up! Showing up doesn’t mean doing the bare minimum to squeeze by. Showing up on social media is making consistent efforts to build relationships. You must have a strategy.
Go above and beyond. Engagement is not easy! You must put in the work to see results. You can have content posted (which is great to display to your audience who you are), but without engagement it’s hard to say whether or not you will get leads.
Seek who your ideal audience is, research that persona and strike up a genuine conversation with them (more than once is always best here)! Reply to their stories, ask them how their weekend was…you never know who your next work bestie will be! This process takes time. Make sure your audience is informed and feel valued before furthering the relationship to the next step.
Engagement is a sole part of a successful social media marketing campaign. When you increase the time you are meaningfully engaging on social media platforms, you will also increase the amount of genuine relationships you have.
Whenever you have formed a genuine relationship, this means endless things for your business. You will increase your following, more individuals will recognize and be talking about your brand, you could find a service that someone else could offer you that in turn could benefit your business, you could gain a customer, etc.
So let’s stop trying to find ways to fulfill the algorithm’s needs and be authentic and consistent on social media!

Authenticity >> Algorithms.
That’s the tea.